Wednesday, July 18, 2012

welcome to vertigoville

   In the beginning, there was spinning.
Then, there was spinning.

   It all started on a beautiful wintry day. I was taking my shower, then without a warning my world started spinning. It was spinning so fast, I could not comprehend what was going on. All I could think of:  this is It.
 This is the big one.
  My time is up.
 This time it is going to be me.
 It s time to meet my maker.  I had to do one last thing before I let go. I had to dress up.  I don t want to be remembered as a dead naked corpse in a shower.
I managed to crawl to my boxers and t-shirt; it was a big relief to be dressed. Then was I ready to meet my maker. Not really.
I called 911.
  I do not want to die, well, at least not in winter and not yet.
Ambulance, paramedics, EKG, CT, MRI...and other abbreviations I don t remember.
The verdict came in. it was vertigo (go ahead and Google it if want, I will wait)
Well, I thought that was just some disease. I am young healthy and it s winter. I am not going to die in winter.
 I was wrong, my nightmare was just about to commence.
So, brace yourselves for a hellish journey to the core of Dante s inferno or maybe the other one, I am not sure.
Ah, by the way, how come that people choose to show their true selves when you are at your weakest
And who said that blood is thicker than water.
 He must be an only child or an orphan.
Take it from me, blood is thinner than water, and anybody can be a jerk, a son, a brother, a sister, a father, a mother. Sharing blood with someone does not make them less a jerk.
Well, welcome to vertigoville where nothing is sacred and nobody is a saint.

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